Yearly Archives


Family Goals for 2022

With a new year looming, it’s a good time to look back at the twelve months that have passed and think about what you want to achieve in 2022. Some look at work, some look at fitness, but today we’re looking at family: what can you do to…

Ways To Encourage Your Teen Athlete

Participating in sports is a core component of the high school experience for millions of teens. In addition to being active and building friendships, teen athletes gain numerous advantages when they play individually or as part of a team.…

Tips and importance of going to church

Introduction There was a time when the church was a very important focal point in our communities and culture. It was also a very important part of our calendar. Every time that the church doors are open, people made an effort to attend.…

Our View on Unsustainable Single-Use Products

In case you missed it (somehow), single-use plastics are proving to be a bit of a problem for the planet. Around 40% of plastics consumed are single-use, meaning they’re produced and then discarded after just one use. A lot of time, effort…

Choosing the Right Rehab for your Teenager

Choosing the ideal teenage rehab for your loved one can be stressful, especially if you have no background knowledge on addiction and all it entails. For this reason, you have to take your time during your search to ensure that the teenage…